Saturday, April 23, 2011

My kids at school told me I was a Grandma and needed a husband!

So my kids at school already call me grandma because I told them I was quilting over spring break. Well they laughed when I brought my coupon binder to school ( It was a make up day and I only had bout 3 or 4 kids each period out of about 30 ) and cut out coupons out of the All you magazine that came out Friday. They were shocked-several of them took a picture of it and MMS'd it to their mom's. Some said "Cool- you and my mom would be best friends- she loves coupons", another told me she was going to give me coupons as an end of the year present ( I got really excited) and one of my girls in 3rd period told me it was "sad"- which is a little funny since her mom is a teacher and co-worker of mine and ALOT of teachers are very conscious about money. They told me I needed to find me a husband because I obviously had too much time on my hands!

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